[Allison’s Rough Translation: I got conjunctivitis, and I have to stay in the house for another 4, maybe 5 days. It’s good to have a p-week! (didn’t really get this next part…something about this last week early Monday, and ended on Thursday.) What joy!]
There. Said it!
So now that I have a working card reader, here are some photos! (I had intended to send my last card in that package, so I am without it at the moment...I´ll get it back tomorrow though)
1. Baptism of Jane
2. Elder Rocha and I
3. My current accruement of souvenirs
4. Elder Costa and I(Vai Corintian!)
So yeah, this week not a whole ton happened because of what I mentioned at the beginning. I´m stuck in the house until next Thursday, so Elder Francis has been doing exchanges so our area will still be alive.
Monday after we finished emailing, we went to a member´s house to visit a less active and his non member wife, but it turned out to be a family home evening of the whole ward, so we partook and received 5 references. Cha-ching! Then we headed home and it was all good.
Tuesday, we had district meeting and then we went to teach a kid named Erickles who just started appearing at Seminary and activities. After that, we taught a 19 year old girl that is friends with a newly returned RM (Allison’s note: RM=Returned Missionary). She was very interested in our message (the RM explained about the plan of salvation to her and we just picked up from there). Then at night we taught Kleber and Claudianna (the less active from earlier). He was really excited to see us. We talked about the Book of Mormon with Claudianna and answered some questions. After that we headed back home.
Wednesday we headed out waaay early (8:30) and taught a cousin of a member. Then we just continued all morning until lunch, then set out again. We set up two baptismal interviews, one of which didn´t work out because the girl is too closely attached to the catholic church (but she still attends church every Sunday???). We finished about 6 and headed home to study.
After that it’s just nothing. I had to stay in the house and just work on getting better.
BUT to get some real meat in this letter, I will pass on some counsel from Elder Bednar in preparation for conference.
At the beginning of his 3 hour talk to us, Elder Bednar said more or less ´Don´t copy my talk down word by word!´ which you all should do at conference. Seriously, it´ll be printed word for word the next month, just don´t be occupied by it. Elder Bednar said why... ´If you are occupied copying down word for word what the speaker is saying, you won´t hear what the spirit is saying... and that will not be copied down for you to read afterwards in the Ensign.´ So he said take notes on what the spirit says to you because that will be of more worth eternally. Just think, what are more important in the Book of Mormon to us right now, the Large or Small plates? So start your own small plates here in this general conference, and I can guarantee it will be the best one you have ever listened to because you will have been taught by the spirit for 8-10 hours. What has more value than that?
Also remember to take the counsel of what they say. Sometimes we find parts we like, but skip over the general message of our inspired leaders.
Also to Dad, it sounds like you are really enjoying your working the temple! It’s good to hear its reaching into your life outside the temple. Mom likes it too1
So, that’s all for this week. I love you guys!
Elder Cornwell
Allison's PS - Here is the reply to my email about how much I enjoy participating in Sunday School discussions:
I´ll pass a little something Elder Bednar passed for us about Sunday School. He said the problem is that it turns into a guess what I´m thinking and less what can you learn?. So his model is to give material to read before the class, and then start to talk about the topic and ask what everyone learned in their personal study. He said that is what most invites the spirit of learning and revelation. Incidentally, that is exactly how missionary discussions should be. We leave something for them to do, discuss and teach after. Always remember the best Sunday school teacher is the Holy Ghost.
Also, look in Mormon Doctrine where it talks about the Lost 10 tribes. It says that there is a good possibility that some of them rebelled and spread throughout the earth (the example given was of Laman and Lemuel, and that was just one family). Bruce R. McConkie makes a comment about the Tribe of Ephraim and how it was most probable for them to rebel, given their history. So maybe we are literal descendants of Ephraim (The only uninhabited land in that era is modern day Russia by the Black and Caspian sea)... some interesting thoughts (BUT NOT DOCTRINE!). I think I decided today I would like to do a religion minor of some sort... become a biblical scholar to a minor extent. I have found I enjoy reading biblical texts and religious texts to learn more than reading other books for recreation. Just some thoughts.
Also, you can make juice for dad pretty easy. How they make it here is a good amount of fruit (an example would be 2 oranges) probably half a liter of water and enough sugar for taste and then blend it until its juice. That's how we make it here and it is really delicious. Try it with strawberries or limes. Also get a feijoada recipe and give that a shot. It is just black beans with different cuts of pig, but it is REALLY good.
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