Monday, May 14, 2012

Hello Everybody!

We will begin with a couple of notes from Allison:

1.The pictures referenced in this message did not turn out...maybe next week.

2. He neglects to mention that he spent one hour talking the Bruce and me on the phone yesterday, in honor of Mother's Day. It was a great chat! He still LOVES his mission and the people. I will post some highlights of our conversation later.

Now...drumroll...the email from Elder Cornwell:
Hello Everybody!

 So, this week seemed a little shorter than the past weeks, but we have been busy! It´s too bad I left my planner on my desk again so I can´t remember exactly what we did, but here we go!

SO. Tuesday was district meeting like always. I got a package from Aunt Mitzi (PB and Chocolate hehehehe) and a Letter from Sammi (whuddup cuz!) so it went pretty well for me! Then we had lunch with the LZ´s again and they were lusting after the peanut butter (both brazilians). We got back at about 5:30 and taught some lessons in Beira Rio to friends of a member. Then on our way back a REALLY drunk man stopped us and asked us to pass by and leave a message with him one of these days. So we got his address (or at least the best he could give us) and then we headed back home.

Wednesday, we tried to get our contract for the new house all done, but the guy couldn´t come to town for some reason. We went to lunch in one end of the area and it turned out that lunch was in the other side of the area (I think the sisters switched and forgot to tell us), so we walked plenty that day. I remember we taught a bunch of lessons that day, but I left my brain on my study desk this morning, so go figure.

Thursday... just like Wednesday. I have forgotten pretty much everything of this week.

Friday, we spent most of the afternoon finishing up the contract for the house... running from here and there and doing all that fun stuff. We finished up about 5:30, then headed off to Beira Rio and we taught that drunk guy that stopped us in the street. The difference was, he was sober and with two of his brothers and they were all real interested in our message. We talked about Christ´s church and the restoration, and then about the Plan of Salvation. They have a brother who died about 2 years ago, and they brought that up, so we talked more about it to them.

Saturday, we had lunch in Aracoiaba, and then came back and waited for the LZ´s to arrive to do a baptismal interview for us. They got here at 3, and then we headed off to do the interview. Everything went smooth. The stayed until 6 to get a bus back to Fortaleza and in the meantime, we got food and ate a little bit. Then at night, we went by a good number of investigators to remind them to go to church.

Sunday, we got up early to get the baptismal font ready, and then went about a mile away to bring an investigator to church. We got to church in the nick of time, and then the Branch President asked Elder Rodrigues if he could give the first talk (nyuck nyuck nyuck). After the meetings were over, we had the baptism for Luciano (the man in the pictures). He was really excited about it, and he was real happy afterwards. Then, we headed up in the mountains for lunch at the president´s house (and we came back with fresh picked bananas and mangos (eat your heart out Kate!)). It was nice and cool up there and lunch was EXCELLENT!. Then we got back to the chapel and called home! I played piano while Elder Rodrigues was talking to his family. Afterwards, we went to Irmão Branco´s house and then headed home. When we got home, I won some brownie points with sister Sousa, by calling her and wishing her a happy mother´s day. 

So that was my week! Kind of a short letter, but it was a busy busy week!

Love you all!
Elder Cornwell

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