Monday, September 24, 2012

´Nuther one!

Hello everyone!

So this is probably going to be a quick one again because the week was a slow one, but passed by real fast... if that makes sense!

So here are the highlights of the week.

Tuesday, we contacted a contact that we had made earlier on. His name is Gabriel and he had already been to church a lot, but he had to move to Brasilia to help family there. Anyways, he doesn´t remember much from what the missionaries had taught him... just that what they taught him and the church are all true. WE gave the message of the restoration again and then we committed him to start towards baptism again.

Wednesday, we had lunch with a less active member, and there was a bunch of people there, so we left a message from the Book of Mormon and invited them to come back to church.

Thursday we met with Ramone (our Ward Mission Leader) to talk about ways to get everyone in our ward excited (they are pretty depressing at this point). I just decided to find something I could do (and be as ´annoying´as possible to stop from getting demotivated haha) because I thought, ´´Hey, if I get down about the state of this ward... who is going to be excited about changing things?´´ The answer to which is NO ONE. So I just made myself excited (to change something). I´ve learned over time that if I´m not completely happy doing something, I´m not doing it right! So I realized the way I was going about helping this ward wasn´t the way the Lord wanted! So after that day, we would pass by quickly with members, and get them excited about making changes, and sharing the gospel. I even had an idea to give a member a birthday present (this Friday) that is going to be something random that I have no problem parting with, then I´m going to stick a Book of Mormon in the middle with a little note that says ´´The best gift you could ever receive is your testimony of the Gospel... why not share it with someone else?´´. I´m hoping it works!

Friday was full of contacts (at first, I misspelled ´full´ as ´dull´ I´m still trying to decide which word is correct).

Saturday, we had lunch with Adriano (I lied, he is excited about making changes as well... three of us!) and he had a reference for us... as well as a less active member. He invited them over for lunch to start the friendship (the Less active is 19, and his friend is 15), so naturally, I start talking about soccer, which worked really well. We left a little message from the Book of Mormon, which I forgot what it was. Anyways, afterwards, I gave the Book to the new investigator, and told the 19 year old that his mom would get off his case if he went to church, to which he excited declared that he ´´would go every Sunday from now on!´´ I laughed and said that is EXACTLY how to do it. Little does he know that nothing will change with his Mom, but with him!

At church, they both came and had a good experience (even told a friend that he missed out by going to the beach).

So that was my week. My new learnings were confined to a series of Hugh Nibley talks that someone had left in the house. (it can be found here ) really awesome stuff... I resolved to find and buy some of the texts referenced here... as well as an expanse Gospel library hahaha.

So, that was my week! I don´t have any more to say, so I´ll close with that!

Love you all!

Elder Cornwell

Eating the Pizza Sandwich that he mentioned a couple of weeks ago.

The pizza sandwich

Elder Cornwell wearing a "real" football (soccer) jersey

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