Monday, August 20, 2012

Easiest Transfer, Ever!

Hello everybody! So this week will probably be a quick recap of the happenings and going-ons.

Monday was the normal P-day routine, and I can´t really remember much of what we did, except that we went up to the Jesuitas again and walked around in the ´jungle´. At night we set a baptismal date for João and afterwards we passed by Herlanie.

Tuesday, we had our normal District meeting and then headed home, and we passed by Radsom (co-worker of João and John) as well as Deivid. WE were going to go to visit Patricia, but the Federal Police are cleaning out a neighborhood and all the traffickers, and we were advised to stay away for a while.

Wednesday, our lunch was earlier on in the day, so we headed out and talked with John and João again and made sure everything was going well. In the afternoon we talked again with Herlanie, Andrea and Rayanne and told them that if they wanted to know who would be leaving, they had to go to church on Sunday, and they had no other way of finding out! hahaha. At night, we ate pizza with João so he wouldn´t be alone at night (The Devil knows how to work well... good thing we do too!). A few friends of his stopped by to talk to him, and we ended up doing a few contacts and marked appointments for the end of the week.

Thursday, Elder Huntley and Elder Clemens came to do an interview for João, and afterwards we had lunch with Branco and Ancylia. The rest of the day, I can´t even remember what happened!

Friday, we had lunch out in Candeia again with sister Eliza. The trip out there was normal, and then we headed back with Irmã Paula... and as we were going, I heard a ´thump thump thump thump´ sound that I instantly recognized (You see Mom and Dad, I know when I´m driving and the car has a flat!). Anyways, her tire was REALLY flat, so we pulled off to the side to change it, but her spare tire was already wrecked. I told ´´Well, this one is just flat, and this other one is completely shot... so it really won’t get any worse if you drive on the old one´´. So off we went the rest of a km back to town haha. We made sure she was taken care of and headed off on our routine.

Saturday, we didn´t have lunch, so we had lunch early and fast, and we got to work at about 11 in the afternoon. We passed by our investigators, and at 3, we taught some of the references we got from João on that day. They seemed to like the message, but two of them promised they would go to church. Afterwards, we kept on passing by everyone. At about 8, we ran out of things to do, so we headed back home to pack things up (even though we didn´t have any idea who would go and who would stay.

Sunday, I had the faith to finish packing my bags ;) and then we headed off to church. The two girls who said they would come to church came, as well as two high councilors from Fortaleza. For Sunday School, Elder Leal and I gave a lesson using Helaman 6-12 about what happens when we forget about the Lord. It was interesting how it had a clear contrast in those chapters between the Lamanites and the Nefites. Afterwards, we were waiting to go to lunch with President, and we got the call that I would leave (in the middle of a story I was telling the secretary about two farmers.... so two farmers need rain, and they both pray so that there would have rain. Afterwards, one farmer went and prepared his fields for a flash flood, while the other farmer waited for the rain to come. So who really had faith that the Lord would send rain?) When I asked ´who had faith´ the phone rang, and I said ´here comes the rain hahaha´. So afterwards we had lunch, and I said goodbye to very few people, but the Secretary gave me a hug and thanked me for everything I did in Baturité. Afterwards, we headed out with the HC´s to Fortaleza, and we slept at the LZ´s house.

Today, we took a taxi to the Chapel of Estaca Montese, and the whole transfer was announced in front of everybody. Elder Rocha went to Baturité (which I liked a lot... Elder Leal will like him a lot, and he will do a great job there). Luck has it, that I was transferred to exactly where I was sitting! Now I am in Ala Montese with Elder Nelson, from Puyallup. He just finished being trained, and we are both new to the area, so it will be a good challenge!

Well, my time is up. I love you all, and have a great week!

Elder Cornwell

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