Monday, May 21, 2012


Hello everybody!

So this week was kind of uneventful because we didn´t have a lot of time to actually work. Tuesday, we tried (and failed) to go to Fortaleza to get to the Zone Conference on time... but it turns out the last bus to Fortaleza leaves at 6, not 6:30.

Wednesday, we had Zone Conference with the zones Bom Sucesso, Caucaia, Maracanaú and Bom Jardim. Pretty much our entire district got to the bus terminal in Parangaba at the same time, so we all headed out to the Stake Center in Montese (close to the center). The meeting started at about 10, but we got there at about 9 so we had plenty of time to talk to other Elders. There was only one other Elder of my group there before the meeting, but some of my old Zone Leaders, people from Zona Pacajus and people from my first house were there, so I knew plenty of people. The training was about our study and applying the scriptures not only to ourselves, but to our investigators. The Assistants highlighted an important principle, that without applying what we read in a scripture, it doesn´t really have any importance. The scriptures are a good tool for our spiritual improvement when we APPLY what we read and learn. So the meeting finished at 5 o’clock, and we had to book it out of there to get a bus back home before 6 (when the last one leaves). So we got a bus at 5:30 and got home about 2 hours later. We tried to visit some people, but it just didn´t work out. 

Thursday, I got up and felt pretty crappy, but we studied, did the whole routine and went to lunch. Afterwards we visited an inactive who had been baptized in June. He had a really long story about a surgery he had in an awkward place. We just nodded and said ´´uh huh, yeah, really? No!´´ the whole time. He said he would go to church if someone could give him a ride, so we arranged for it. Then we went and taught this lady Sandra at a member friend´s house, but she was just wandering in her head the whole time (just like the first time). At this point, I was feeling REALLY crappy, so we went to one more person, and called it quits. I headed home, took some meds and conked out big time.

Friday, I was a little better but still pretty bad, so we went out to lunch (out in the mountains. On Google maps, if you follow a road that goes to the northeast from a place called the Lages, you´ll get there eventually). WE took this sketchy flatbed that had boards for seats about an hour into the mountains and got to the sister´s house/farm. We had lunch and talked for a bit, then we took the same sketchy truck back home, but this time it was practically just us there. So, we get back and I buy more cold medicine that Sister Sousa told me to get, and I took some to try to feel better. I felt better, but the medicine left me really dizzy and loopy, and I couldn´t even walk straight. So that was that day.

Saturday was busy. We had lunch in Aracoiaba, and headed back fast and visited 7 or 8 houses and just left a short message and asked (read begged) them to go to church. One of our investigators was drunk when we got there and he kept on reading the pamphlets out loud and begging us to forgive him because he drank cachace. It was pretty funny for us because he wasn´t an angry drunk, but a ´´I love you man!´´ drunk. We made him promise to stop drinking and said we would come get him to go to church the next day. Then he shook our hands about 10 times each, to the enjoyment of our other investigators who live there. After that, we went to Institute, which they didn´t end up having, so we finished up our day.

Sunday, we went and brought the same guy (sober) to church and he really liked it. It as high council Sunday, and the talks were awesome. They both spoke on the Atonement and the universal nature of Christ´s sacrifice. Luciano was confirmed as well, which he was really excited about. Then they gave a Sunday school lesson on the scriptures (same in priesthood). They teacher brought up an interesting point. He said if we had two men, one who grew up reading all the books the world had to offer, and the other who read the bible his whole life, there would be a dramatic difference. One would be intelligent beyond all imagination, but the other would be wise, prudent and a good man. That is the difference scriptures make to us. They contain the knowledge necessary for a good life full of happiness. After church, we had lunch with Luciano and his family, and then visited members who didn´t go to church that day. Then we headed home and slept!

Then today, I woke up and went to take a shower... turned on the shower, and scared the crap out of the bat that was sleeping on the shower head. He darted out of there like a bat out... well, you know... a bat out of cold water (hehe) and he gave me quite the scare. Then he flew into our room to scare Elder Rodrigues and rested on a light in another room (I think he is still there too). WE decided to leave him rather than run the risk of being attacked. And then we came here!

So that was my week. A lot busier than I realized! So this week, we have a meeting with Elder Godoy of the Area Presidency, and then we are going to work some days with the ZL´s, so this next week will be full of good stuff.

I´m going to attach more pictures and I hope they work. Included are some of the central park/church area, the truck we took to lunch and other fun stuff.

and before I forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (3 days ago) DREW! I wuv you and I´ll give you a present here in a year or so.

So that was my week. Love you all and have a good Monday!

Elder Cornwell

(Meaty letter, huh?)
View from "Sketchy Truck" while driving into the mountains.
Another truck view

...and another view out the truck

Elders Cornwell and Rodrigues with Luciano

At the "Square at the Church" or Praça at the Igreja Matriz

View of the town (which town, I don't know)

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